domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

Some random information.

I forgot that I have to introduce myself right?

Welp, my name is Andrea & I came from wonderland to know all of you, little creatures.

 I'm not used to talk in english, so if I spell something wrong... just let me be. Actually, I'm native from Chile which is not exactly the coutry with the biggest population who have the best pronunciation in english...

So yeah...just...just let me be.

I'm not good with the formalities so...Hi nice to meet ya! And I hope that you can read some of things that cross my mind from time to time.

So...Hey, how u doing?

Well, yeah.
It's me. A normal girl, with a pretty normal life, nice parents, normal and boring family, a good carrer in college & a perfect boyfriend.

Yeah, that's me & I bet it's the same for some of you, but... the thing is we have good and bad days, we all have one of those, so why not sharing it with the world?

I mean I know it's nothing out of common, nothing really interesting but, idk I just want some random person to hear me and maybe feel conected with me or have a nice chat.

So...Would you hear my story?